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Psychosomatic disorders


By Rena Zalavadiya 

What is a Psychosomatic Disorder? (Knesebeck) 

It is a physical condition caused by stress or mental stress worsens your physical symptoms. It can cause many different types of physical conditions. Sometimes it is mixed up with somatic symptom disorder which happens when you have an intense focus on physical symptoms. There are more than 200 types of psychosomatic disorders. 

Symptoms could include: (Knesebeck) 

- Chest pain 

- Exhaustion 

- Insomnia 

- Sexual dysfunction 

- Digestive problems 

- High blood pressure 

- Muscle tension 

- Headaches, dizziness, or shaking 

- Weakened immune system 

- Feeling overwhelmed 

- Anxiety 

- Depression 

- Panic attacks 

What causes it? (Cleveland Clinic) 

It is caused by stress and depression when it is not taken care of. When a person under stress doesn’t have anyone to vent to or doesn’t talk about it to anyone, they will eventually reach a point where they will crack and feel physical effects from it. Stress causes a fight-or-flight response which releases certain chemicals, if the body releases a lot of these chemicals it could cause harm to the body and mental health. 

Different types of Psychosomatic disorder (Bence) 

Anxiety Disorders- it is the most common and is diagnosed if there is fear in the person and it’s affecting the way the person lives and works. 

Depressive Disorders- they have symptoms like low mood, loss of interest and stimulation, and other physical symptoms. 

Bipolar Disorders- it is diagnosed when a person has extreme mood swings or a shift in their energy level or behavior. 

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)- It is diagnosed when a person has recurring and unwanted thoughts or compulsions. 

Schizophrenia- They have symptoms of hallucinations, delusions, loss of emotions, withdrawal from social life, loss of concentration, etc.

Trauma and Stress-related disorders- It is diagnosed when a person goes through a traumatic experience directly or indirectly. Its symptoms include anxiety, intrusions, dissociation, substance use, insomnia, etc. 

Personality Disorders- It is diagnosed when a person’s behavior and thoughts differ from cultural expectations and cause problems in their daily lives 

Sleep Disorders- When a person’s sleep schedule is irregular 

Eating Disorders- When a person has problems with eating or has distressing thoughts about the food. 


Many specific types of psychosomatic disorders can vary from the symptoms to the person. There are ways to treat these disorders, such as medication and therapy. Stress can cause a lot of pressure on people and can make them go through physical and mental pain. It is necessary to be there for the people who go through these disorders and be on a look out for these symptoms in people so they can get the help needed 


Bence, S. (n.d.). Psychological Disorders: List With Categories to Know. Verywell Health. 

Cleveland Clinic. (2021, April 30). Psychosomatic Disorder: What Is It, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment. Cleveland Clinic. von dem Knesebeck, O., Lehmann, M., Löwe, B., & Makowski, A. C. (2018). Public stigma towards individuals with somatic symptom disorders – Survey results from Germany. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 115, 71–75.

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