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Teen Entrepreneurship and the Rise of Young Innovators


By Sumedha


The entrepreneur is defined as someone with the ability and desire to establish,

administer, and succeed in a startup venture, along with the risk entitled to it, to

make profits. For teenagers, it is not only a gateway to financial independence

but also helps them learn various crucial skills like innovation, communication,

responsibility, etc. (BYJU’S. (n.d.). , Rainbow International School. (n.d.).

Reasons for this growth?

1. Technology - with the rise of technology teens are able to create their own

things like launching an app and starting platforms on their own!

2. Access to funding - so many platforms offer funds for teens which was not

found before

3. Mentorship - unlike before there are so many tools, people, and platforms

to help these teens to become entrepreneurs.

4. Growth of innovations and risk-taking - they get to have more creative

ideas and they are more risk-takers than an adult (Chakra Sadineni, A.

(n.d.)., LinkedIn)

Positive mental effects

1. Enhanced creativity and innovation - this helps in bringing more ideas

2. Effective decision making - teen entrepreneurship helps them make good


3. Effective communication - this helps in creating good relations with people

4. Leadership skills - this also helps them to have a leader quality

(Amankwa-Ademe, M. (n.d.)., LinkedIn)

Negative mental effects

1. Work-life balance - since entrepreneur requires a lot of time this affects their

school life

2. Financial stress - they usually have limited resources to work with

3. Pressure to succeed - they have so much pressure on themselves, investors,

and customers to succeed

4 . Imposter syndrome - this is a feeling of fraud, self-doubt, anxiety, and

depression (LinkedIn. (n.d.))


BYJU’S. (n.d.). What is entrepreneurship? Retrieved from

Rainbow International School. (n.d.). Teen entrepreneurship: Fostering

innovation and responsibility. Retrieved from


Chakra Sadineni, A. (n.d.). The rise of young entrepreneurs. LinkedIn. Retrieved


Amankwa-Ademe, M. (n.d.). The entrepreneurial advantage: The impact on the

mental health of young entrepreneurs. LinkedIn. Retrieved from


LinkedIn. (n.d.). How can young entrepreneurs overcome mental health

challenges? Retrieved from


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