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The Eight Trigger Categories: Overview


Updated: Nov 27, 2024

By: Thea Soleil “Nine” Dona


Triggers can be anything from a person, situation, event, feeling, thought, or even a memory that leads to an internal or external response. When triggered, we experience a strong emotional reaction that makes us use our default response patterns— which may not always be a good thing. Because triggers are based on the five senses and past experiences, by understanding our triggers we gain more control of our senses and experiences.

The 8 Trigger Categories

Triggers are connected to the five senses created by past experiences. Therefore, they’re everywhere and in turn, influence how we react towards ourselves (internally) and towards others (outwardly). They manifest in the eight trigger categories, listed by Daniel J. Fox as emotional state, physical state, presence of others, availability, physical setting, social pressure, and activities.

Emotional State

Emotional triggers are also known as mental health/psychological triggers when things such as memories, objects, people, etc. enable intense negative emotions, changing mood abruptly and making them feel more severe than what seems logical for someone who doesn’t have the same trigger. A related field is internal emotional triggers, intensified by cognitive distortions. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is used to work with emotional thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to change patterns.

Physical State

Physical States can also be identified by the name of Sensory-Environmental Triggers, impacting one or more of the five senses. They can be environmentally distracting and trigger sensory overloads, making you feel overwhelmed, meltdown, or shut down, prone most to those with neurodivergence.

Presence of Others

The presence of others can be a good or bad influence. related to significant relationships with a primary caregiver or partner that impacts the relationship. This includes attachment styles and the impact of trauma it has to trigger someone within a relationship. Attachment and trauma-related work is helpful, along with individual or relationship therapy.


Availability triggers are caused by you having the resources and means to engage in destructive behavior. Examples are having razors on hand to cut yourself with, drugs or alcohol in the house, etc.

Physical Setting

“This is not a physical state trigger due to senses caused by the environment, and not the environment as an environment like Physical Setting is. Someone may have a fear of hospitals, and thus be placed as a physical setting trigger.

Social Pressure

Social pressure is an influence people feel from others in their social circle or society to think, act, or behave in a certain way. It can either be good, or bad such as conforming to harmful and risky behaviors. Negative behaviors such as drug usage from having friends who do drugs, and negative behaviors like self-harm with a friend who self-harms.


Things you need to do can create stress that overwhelms you and triggers you. This includes things suck as work, responsibilities, sleep, dieting, social media, etc. While you cannot avoid stress, you can reduce how much stress impacts your well-being by exercising, engaging in things you love, or talking to others.

Thoughts and Memories

Thoughts and memories fall into trauma triggers. After a traumatic event, cues that remind you of the trauma can become a trigger, including those with PTSD. This includes sensory triggers, like physical state triggers, but it is the memory and thoughts tied to it rather than the stress of the senses themselves. 


By being able to identify triggers, we can control them. Knowledge is power, and by understanding what makes us tick, we can better confront and prepare on how to adapt to them.


Fox, D. J. (2019). The Borderline Personality Disorder Workbook. New Harbinger Publications.

Johnson, C. (n.d.). 7 Types of Triggers and 7 Coping Strategies. Care Counseling.

Ridgeview Behavioral Hospital. (2021, May 15). How to identify emotional triggers in 3 steps. Ridgeview Behavioral Hospital.

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