●Understanding Causes,Symptoms, and Treatment.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD),also known as Dysmorphophobia, is a mental health condition characterised by an excessive preoccupation with a perceived flaw in one's physical appearance. This article provides an overview of BDD including its causes, symptoms, treatment options and diagnosis.
BDD affects approximately 1.7% to 2.4% of the general population (Philips 2009). It is most likely to start in your teens or early adult years. Two-thirds of people with BDD develop it before the age of 18. However, BDD can also start in adulthood. Enrico Morselli, a psychiatrist in Italy, first described BDD more than 100 years ago, noting that “The dysmorphophobic, indeed, is a veritably unhappy individual, who in the midst of his daily affairs, in conversations, while reading at table, in fact anywhere at any hour of day, is suddenly overcome by fear of some deformity...(which) may reach a very painful intensity, even to the point of weeping and desperation.”
You might have BDD if you:
● Worry a lot about a specific area of your body ( particularly face)
● Comparing your appearance to how other people look.
● Feeling compelled to repeatedly look at or check your appearance using a
mirror/reflective surface. On the contrary, some people may actively avoid mirrors and cameras altogether to avoid distress they feel seeing their own appearance.
● Go to a lot of efforts to conceal flaws.
● Feeling fear or anxiety because you think others are staring or judging the things you don't like about your body or experience.
● Changing your appearance frequently.
● Thoughts of self harm or suicide because of your appearance.
● Feeling shame or disgust about your body or appearance.
● Picking at your skin to make it “smooth”.
BDD is diagnosed using the DSM-IV criteria. The questions can include:
1. Are you worried about your appearance in any way? If yes: what is your concern?
2. Does this concern preoccupy you?
3. What effect has this preoccupation with your appearance had on your life?
To be diagnosed with BDD: you must be abnormally concerned about a small or non-existent body flaw. Your thoughts about your body flaw must be severe enough that they interfere with your ability to live normally. Other mental health disorders must be ruled out as a cause of your symptoms.
What causes BDD?
-Genetics: you may be more likely to develop BDD if you have a first degree relative with BDD. About 20% of people with BDD have at least one first degree relative with BDD.
- A chemical imbalance in the brain (particularly serotonin).
- A traumatic early life experience: teasing or abuse. A recent study found that about 79% of 75 people with BDD perceived that they had experienced maltreatment during childhood.
- Social and Cultural influences: Our society's incessant messages about the importance of beauty may also contribute to the development of BDD. Marketing of beauty is a huge industry which sets up unrealistic appearances and body ideals for youngsters. Moreover, BDD occurs around the world, in Western as well as Non Western countries. One study found that a similar percentage of American and German students (4% vs 5%) had BDD.
Although treatment research is still limited, SRIs (serotonin reuptake inhibitor) and CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) are currently used as a treatment for BDD.
BDD is a severe and relatively common mental health condition that occurs around the globe. Understanding its symptoms, causes, and treatment is crucial for individuals to break-free from the cycle of negative self perception and cultivate a more compassionate realistic body image.
1. Phillips KA (2009), Understanding Body Dysmorphic Disorder: an essential guide.
Oxford University Press.National Institute of Mental Health.“Body Dysmorphic
Disorder: recognising and treating imaged ugliness”. NIH 2004 From:
2. Cleveland Clinic. Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD): Symptoms and Treatment.
3. NHS UK. Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). From: