By: Connie Ma (Research Intern)
Around a high school student’s last year of high school, they would have to face college applications which are a hard process of applying to certain colleges which a student picks. There are many choices that students can choose from. However, the process of actually getting into one and facing rejection or acceptance can be a stressful experience especially if you really want to get into one of the colleges of your dreams. In addition, balancing school and having the time to start college applications can get quite stressful and overwhelming to students. Therefore, what other feelings can we start feeling because of college applications?
College applications can increase our normal levels of stress, anxiety, and sometimes even depression. It could also cause us to feel overwhelmed and burnt out. It could cause stress because students can start worrying about whether they would get into a college or not. Particularly, rejections to some colleges would be upsetting to students and might cause them to feel discouraged and heart-broken. This feeling of discouragement can cause students to not do well in their regular high school classes and can sometimes cause grades to drop or their mental health worsening. On the other hand, acceptances to colleges can make a student feel overjoyed and make them very happy with their hard work. With these feelings of being overjoyed, they would feel the need to work harder. Although this is what some students may feel, some students may also slack off due to their feelings that they think it is unnecessary.
What actions can you take?
Although the process of applying for college is not easy, keep a light mood and always try your best and know that rejection is not going to be the end and it is actually redirection to a better college that is more fit for you. During times of high stress and overthinking during the process of college applications, you should try to destress more by exercising, meditating, doing things you love, and talking to someone you trust about your feelings. It is never a good idea to keep your feelings bottled up as it would not benefit you in any way. Talking to someone about these complicated feelings can help you gain support and a person to help you get through the difficult time of having to apply for colleges.
Ultimately, the college application process is not easy and will take a toll on students’ mental health. In detail, it would cause a “roller coaster” of emotions and will impact the student in many different ways. For example, it may cause them to be happy when they receive an acceptance while it would cause them to be upset and sometimes depressed when they recieve a rejection from a school that they favored. However, they must also know that rejection is actually redirection to a better-fit college. Keeping a light mood and de-stressing/relaxing when you feel overwhelmed with the process is always important as well. Therefore, these are the effects of the college application process on high school students.
Gibson, A. (2023, May 17). College Applications and Mental Health - CASSY. CASSY - Counseling & Support Services for Youth. (Viewed 12/14/24) hen%20many,waiting%2C%20which%20is%20also%20stressful.
Fleming, L. (2022b, May 25). Reflections on the college admission process and mental health. Verywell Mind. (viewed 12/14/24)