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How Depression Manifests Itself in Teenagers


Bhaveeshika Charun

Why Teenagers Get Depressed

● There are multiple reasons why teens might feel depressed namely, having insecurities, sexual orientation, social status, self-esteem issues, peer problems, body image problems, academic problems, bullying, and being a witness/victim of physical/sexual assault/abuse.

● Teen depression may result from environmental stress.

● It may also be a result of a family history of depression or other mental health problems.

Symptoms of Depression in Teens

Some symptoms of depression in teens might include but are not limited to:

● Apathy

● Complaints of pain

● Difficulty with concentrating

● Difficulty making decisions

● Excessive or inappropriate guilt

● Irresponsible behaviour

● Loss of interest in food or compulsive overeating that may result in rapid weight gain or loss

● Preoccupation with death and dying

● Rebellious behaviour

● Sadness, anxiety, a feeling of hopelessness

● Staying awake at night and sleeping during the day

● A sudden drop in grades

● Use of alcohol or drugs and promiscuous sexual activity

● Withdrawal from surroundings

● Unexplained crying

● Extreme sensitivity to rejection and failure

● Self-harming

How It Gets Diagnosed

● When teen depression is suspected, the doctor will normally do these tests and exams to confirm it.

A. Physical exam. The doctor may do a physical exam and ask thorough questions about the teenager’s health to determine if the depression may be linked to an underlying physical health problem.

B. Lab tests. The teen may need a blood test to confirm that their thyroid is functioning properly.

C. Psychological evaluation. A professional may talk to the teen about their thoughts and feelings, and may include a questionnaire, These will help towards a diagnosis and check for related complications.


● Treatment for depression in teens might include educating surrounding peers, lifestyle changes, psychological therapy and medication.

Warning Signs That You Might Be Depressed

Some warning signs that someone might be depressed include but is not limited to:

● Trouble sleeping

● Unable to think clearly

● Not having much confidence ● Seems unable to relax or be more sluggish than usual

● Having thoughts about suicide or self-harming

● Not being interested in things that they used to enjoy

● Sadness, constant low mood

● Irritability and grumpiness

● Feeling exhausted a lot

● Withdrawal from friends and family


1. Mayo Clinic. (Aug, 2022) “Teen Depression” Mayo Clinic syc-20350985#:~:text=Many%20factors%20increase%20the%20risk,as%20physical% 20or%20sexual%20abuse

2. Debra Fulghum Bruce, PhD. (June, 2024) “Teen Depression” WebMD

3. National Health Service. (May, 2023). “Depression in children and young people” NHS hildren-depressed-signs/

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