By: Zara Rizvi
What is it?
Hashimoto's thyroiditis, also known as: Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, Lymphocytic thyroiditis, or Hashimoto's, is a chronic autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid gland (Mayo Clinic, 2022). This disease causes a decline in the production of the hormones your thyroid makes commonly leading to the development of hypothyroidism i.e., an underactive thyroid (Brazier, 2023). The causes are unknown but are suspected to be related to a plethora of things such as a bacterium or virus, genetic defects, aging, and could even be hereditary (Better Health, n.d.). Hashimoto's disease affects 1 to 2 percent of people in the United States (MedlinePlus, n.d.). The condition most commonly affects middle aged women but as it is an autoimmune condition, it can develop anytime, for anyone.
Thyroid diseases in general are known for affecting people's moods, so for teenagers already going through hormone imbalances and puberty, these symptoms can hit harder or even be overlooked as just growing up. Common symptoms of an under active thyroid include depression and unusual tiredness (Campana, n.d.). Diagnosing adults is hard enough as it is since Hashimoto's symptoms vary greatly and can commonly be mistaken for other conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders, PMS, or fibromyalgia (Brazier, 2023).
Hashimoto's has many physical factors as well.
Hypothyroidism can can have effects such as:
● Fatigue
● Weight gain.
● Dry skin
● Joint stiffness/muscle pain
● Dry,brittle hair, slow hair growth, or hair loss
● Puffy eyes and face.
● Memory problems
● Heavy/irregular menstrual cycle
● Infertility (Cleveland Clinic, 2023).
Social Impact
With the constant growing pressure on teenagers to conform to beauty standards and be perfect, the weight gain and hair loss can lead to extreme insecurity and add to the mood swings already present with the thyroid problems. "Overall you may feel a progressive loss of initiative, a dulling of personality and you may encounter memory problems, difficulty in concentration, muddled thinking and a lack of interest or mental alertness." (Vanderpump, 2016, para. 2). This can come in between schoolwork or daily life in general, making it hard to fit in with others.
There is no cure, meaning it requires a lifelong usage of medication and treatments which in itself is a lot for a young person to handle. Teens diagnosed at a young age already need to start learning how to adapt and deal with an illness that cannot be stopped, which can be a big stressor and burden that can interfere with their social life. Mental health for adolescents is already a crisis that needs to be addressed on its own and having illnesses and mood symptoms that can worsen over time because of Hashimoto’s is certainly not ideal.
Though it seems hard to bear, there are ways this condition can effectively be controlled. Consulting with a doctor or endocrinologist are the first steps a parent or guardian should take to ensure the teen’s condition is monitored and under control. If the disease does not cause the development of hypothyroidism, treatments can include lifestyle changes like: ● Changing their diet
● Exercising
● Managing stress
● Yoga
● Getting acupuncture treatment (Shomon, 2022)
On the other hand, since most people with Hashimoto’s develop hypothyroidism, an endocrinologist can monitor their hormone levels and prescribe a synthetic thyroid medication such as Levothyroxine to keep those levels stable (Cleveland Clinic, 2023). This medication is lifelong and over time the condition may require surgery if the thyroid gland starts becoming a problem in their daily life (Better Health, n.d.). These treatments plus the lifestyle changes can keep the condition under control if it is properly taken care of.
Overall, it’s a hard condition to live with but doing research and planning an effective course of action is vital to begin someone’s journey with Hashimoto’s. Teens may seem like they are all alone but there are support groups and so many others with the condition who they can connect with and make the best out of what there is. Though it can be physically and mentally overbearing for adolescents, with the proper treatment and support, leading a normal and healthy life is nowhere near impossible.
Brazier, Y. (2023). Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: Symptoms, causes, and diagnosis. Medical News Today.
Campana, J. B. (2022, December 7). Thyroid disease: How does it affect your mood?. Mayo Clinic. 28
Department of Health & Human Services. (2007, June 8). Thyroid - Hashimoto’s disease. Better Health Channel.
Hashimoto’s disease. Cleveland Clinic. (2024, May 1).
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2022).
Hashimoto’s disease. Mayo Clinic.
Shomon, M. (2022). How hashimoto’s disease is treated. Verywell Health. %20Hashimoto’s%20have,help%20them%20manage%20the%20disease
U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2020). Hashimoto’s disease: Medlineplus genetics. MedlinePlus.
Vanderpump, D. M. (2016, January 14). Dr Mark Vanderpump. blog - Need to get your life back? - Dr Mark Vanderpump. emotions#:~:text=If%20you%20have%20an%20underactive,tearfulness%2C%20and%20loss%20of% 20appetite.