Could dating be negatively affecting teen minds?
Scientists have found many links connecting poor adolescent mental health to dating.
● The prefrontal cortex of the brain remains undeveloped and thus vulnerable to attack at the teen age when dating (Weinstein, 2022).
○ Prefrontal Cortex - area of human brain that manages emotional reasoning and regulation
● Biological instincts overpower judgment, leading to rash decision making, neglect of contemplation of future, and risky behaviors (Weinstein, 2022).
● Infatuation releases an influx of neurochemicals (serotonin, adrenaline, oxytocin, and dopamine) that induce heightened mood swings, disorientation, obsession, and a distraught psyche (Weinstein, 2022).
○ Serotonin: chemical that manages body functions such as mood and sexual desire
○ Adrenaline: chemical that induces increased heart rate and high energy levels
○ Oxytocin: hormone that controls key features of male and female reproductive systems
○ Dopamine: chemical that induces feelings of pleasure and motivation; additionally ………….controls mood, memory, and concentration
● A study published by the Journal of Adolescent Mental Health discovered that the early stages of adolescent love holds similar results as the effects of hypomania (Brand, 2007).
○ Hypomania: condition with symptoms that include abnormal elevated energy levels, mood swings, labile emotions, and anxiety. It is also symptom of mental disorders (i.e. bipolar disorder)
In what ways is dating beneficial for teen mental health?
Although there are many proven cons of adolescent dating, there are also numerous benefits associated with romantic relationships in late-stage adolescence. Recent research finds that in a stable, safe environment with an adequate partner, teenage mental health can be supported and flourish.
● Superior adolescent romantic relationships have been connected to numerous benefits, including confidence, self-worth, improved commitment in future relationships, and improved communication skills (Kansky & Allen, 2018).
● Symptoms of beneficial relationships include emotional security, companionship, and general physical and mental satisfaction (Kansky & Allen, 2018) .
● Adolescents frequently turn to romantic partners instead of parents or friends for help, invoking a deep sense of trust, support, communication, and relief in partners. This expands the social skills and range of teens, letting them explore their connections and bond with people outside of their normal trusted group of individuals (Kansky & Allen, 2018) .
● Teenage love is proven to assist teens in discovering their gender identity, sexual orientation, autonomy, values, standards, and development of empathy (Brand, 2007).
○ Autonomy: referring to independence from others and building one’s own character
How to avoid the cons of dating without abstaining from romantic relationships?
Although there are certainly a multitude of risk factors in adolescent dating, it does not necessarily mean that teens should avoid it at all costs. In fact, romantic relationships in this early stage of life are proven to foster development in emotional maturity as well as personal growth. It is important to know how to avoid the negative effects of relationships at this vulnerable age whilst being able to reap the many rewards.
● Teen Dating Violence (or TDV) can be mental, emotional, or physical. Teens and parents of adolescents should be on the lookout for warning signs of abuse, and assess the situation’s solutions promptly (Lifeologie Counseling, 2022).
○ Solutions: (Based on situation) could include contacting authorities, therapy, hospitalization, medication, counseling, or relationship termination
○ Warning Signs: Changes in dress attire, changes in weight or skin condition, decreased social contact, denial of condition, loss of former interests, increased anxiety, and reclusion from everyone except abusive partner
● Teens should make it a priority to take the relationship slowly, assessing the partner and their interactions with said individual to determine positive and negative impacts of connection. Maintaining constant communication and setting core values and boundaries can also help to avoid negative effects of connection (Lifeologie Counseling, 2022).
Citations List (APA7):
1. Brand, S. (2007, April 13). Romantic Love, Hypomania, and Sleep Pattern in Adolescents. Https:// Romantic Love, Hypomania, and Sleep Pattern in Adolescents
2. Kansky, J., & Allen, J. P. (2018). Long-Term Risks and Possible Benefits Associated with Late Adolescent Romantic Relationship Quality. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47(7), 1531–1544.
3. Lifeologie Counseling. (2022, February 10). Recognizing Violence in Teen Dating | Lifeologie Counseling.; Lifeologie.
4. Weinstein, T. (2022, November 2). Teenage Love and Relationships: What Parents Can Expect. Newport Academy. -love/#:~:text=The%20combination%20of%20hormones%2C%20emotions