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The role of witnessing an unhealthy relationship between parents on adolescents


By: Amara Kamble


In this paper we explore the various impacts of viewing an unhealthy relationship between parents, many of which are psychological and neurobiological. It examines how witnessing conflict as an adolescent in the home environment can affect a child’s neurological development, stress response system, emotional well-being, and how this can lead to various behavioral outcomes. According to recently published research, the effects of being a witness to dysfunctional parental relationships during childhood can have significant implications for the physical and mental health of an adolescent. The role of interventions is crucial in these situations and would help mitigate adverse outcomes.

Keywords: unhealthy relationships dysfunctional, neurobiological, parental conflict, adolescent development, biological impact, stress response


During adolescence, a child is going through a very critical time of development and the addition of environmental stressors can have many negative implications. In this paper we refer to unhealthy relationships as relationships where there is frequent conflict, emotional neglect, or violence. These impacts are not only psychological but can be neurobiological and harm the development of the adolescent in question. It can impact stress response systems, emotional well-being and behavioral outcomes. This paper will explore both the biological and psychological coping mechanisms that develop while witnessing parental conflict and how this will impact the development of the child. We highlight changes in the working of the brain, impacts on stress regulation, effects on emotional well-being, and the development of various behavioral responses.

Biological Effects

1. Neurobiological Changes in Adolescents

Children, who are chronic witnesses to parental conflict show major changes in brain structure and the functions of the brain specifically in the areas that controls emotional regulation, decision-making and stress processing. According to various studies that have used MRI scans, structural changes in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex are common in adolescents who have been exposed to domestic conflict or been witnesses to violence.. Both these structures in the brain are crucial in emotional regulation and in fear processing. According to Hanson et al. (2021), children who were regularly exposed to parental conflict, showed reduced gray matter volume in the prefrontal cortex. This could impair their ability to regulate their emotions and could affect decision-making. This can also contribute to long-term mental health issues.

2. Dysregulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis

The body's natural stress response is the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis. It is highly sensitive and vulnerable to environmental stresses. Adolescents who are chronically exposed to conflict may see a chronic activation of the HPA axis which leads to higher production of cortisol, which is the body’s stress hormone. The dysregulation in this area leads to a weakened stress response system, leaving the adolescent more susceptible to stress related illnesses, such as depression, anxiety, and many cardiovascular diseases. A study conducted by Essex et al. (2020), found that adolescents who come from dysfunctional homes regularly display elevated cortisol levels, which could contribute to hypertension and metabolic disorders.

3. Impaired Immune Function

Witnessing parental conflict can also affect a child's immune system. Children who are repeatedly exposed to dysfunctional home environments can show us suppressed immune function, which makes them more vulnerable to infections and illnesses. Research conducted by Miller and Chen (2019) shows that adolescents from high conflict households show lower levels of natural killer cell activity, which is needed for fighting infections and cancerous cells. Additionally, inflammation markers that are stress related such as C-reactive proteins tend to be elevated in these children. This indicates the presence of chronic low-grade inflammation. It can increase the risk of future health problems such as autoimmune and cardiovascular conditions.

4. Sleep Disruption and Its Consequences

Sleep is crucial for healthy development in children, especially for the brain in terms of maturation and emotional regulation. Children who have been exposed to high levels of parental conflict can often experience sleep disturbances which can exacerbate stress related health issues. A study conducted by El-Sheikh et al (2021) reported that children who frequently witnessed conflicts between parents had poor sleep quality which is associated with emotional and behavioral issues, for example, aggression, irritability, and attention deficits. Sleep disruption can impact cognitive functioning and academic abilities which creates another layer of difficulty for these children who are already struggling with the emotional and biological consequences of family conflict.

Psychological effects

1. Emotional Distress and Anxiety

Adolescents who are exposed to parental conflict regularly can experience emotional distress on a significant level. It can include symptoms of anxiety and depression. Placing a child in a hostile environment where interactions between parents are negative can make them feel a sense of insecurity and instability which could contribute to long-term emotional challenges. Research by Davis and Cummings (2022) found that children who come from high-conflict homes are more likely to develop anxiety disorders as they grow to internalize the stress and tension from their home environment.

2. Difficulty with Peer Relationships

Children from conflict ridden households can struggle to maintain healthy peer relationships or relationships with friends. The additional stress of being a witness to parental conflict can make it difficult for them to trust others or try to engage in positive social interactions. According to a study conducted by Litcher and McLaughlin (2023) adolescents who grew up in homes with high exposure to conflict tend to have lower social competence and struggle to form close friendships and relationships. Social isolation and loneliness can further exacerbate feelings of depression. It creates a cycle where the mental health, emotional well-being and psychological well-being of the child are impacted.

3. Impact on Future Romantic Relationships

According to research, adolescents who are exposed to parental conflict in childhood are more likely to have struggles with romantic relationships in adulthood, as they might have already internalized the unhealthy relationships that they had viewed during their childhood and can struggle with trust, communication, and fixing conflicts with their future partners. A study by Morreti and Obsuth (2023) shows that these children often carry the emotional of parental conflict into their relationships into adulthood, this leads to high rates of dissatisfaction and unfulfillment in relationships, and conflict.

4. Behavioral Problems and Aggression

Adolescents exposed to parental conflict are at a higher risk of developing behavioral problems, such as aggression, delinquency, and substance abuse. The model set to them of dysfunctional behavior by their parental figures can create a situation where adolescents repeat these patterns in their own interactions, a study by Harold et al (2020) showed that children from conflict ridden homes are more likely to engage in violence and can have troubles managing anger.


Evidence suggests that the role of witnessing unhealthy relationships between parents has a significant biological and psychological impact on adolescents. These effects can have many negative implications for brain development, emotional regulation, stress regulation, behavioral outcomes and can lead to developing maladaptive coping mechanisms, this will have long-term effects on the adolescent and their well-being. Research done in the future should continue to investigate ways to develop targeted interventions to mitigate the negative impacts of witnessing parental conflict on adolescents and psychological research should be done on how targeted therapies should be conducted.


El-Sheikh, M., Hinnant, J. B., & Erath, S. A. (2021). Parental conflict, sleep, and adolescent emotional and behavioral problems. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Retrieved from

Accessed September 11, 2024. Essex, M. J., Klein, M. H., Cho, E., & Kalin, N. H. (2020). Stress response systems in adolescents from high-conflict homes. Development and Psychopathology. Retrieved from

Accessed September 11, 2024. Hanson, J. L., Hariri, A. R., & Williamson, D. E. (2021). Neurobiological effects of chronic exposure to parental conflict in adolescence. NeuroImage: Clinical. Retrieved from

Accessed September 11, 2024. Miller, G. E., & Chen, E. (2019). Immune function and stress exposure in adolescence. Psychosomatic Medicine. Retrieved from

Accessed September 11, 2024. Davies, P. T., & Cummings, E. M. (2022). Parental Conflict and Child Emotional Security: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations. Retrieved from

Accessed September 11, 2024. Harold, G. T., Aitken, J. J., & Shelton, K. H. (2020). Children's Exposure to Parental Conflict and Their Adjustment: Developmental Risk and Resilience. Retrieved from

Accessed September 11, 2024. Lichter, D. T., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2023). The effects of parental relationship quality on adolescent behavior: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescence. Retrieved from

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