By: Arshia
Children spend many hours in school every day and interact with their teachers for long durations. They impact the children in many ways- some teachers can be inspiring, while some can have adverse impacts on a child’s self-esteem and mental health. Thus, in educational institutions and similar spaces, it has long been accepted that teachers have a significant role in shaping children. Teachers are often regarded as ‘shapeshifters’ in the life of students- they can provide a conducive environment for the child to learn and grow, which changes their personality and impacts their character. (Gupta & Shah, 2024) Teachers have a huge responsibility to be good educators and mentors.
Due to this, it is socially accepted for teachers to dole out punishment for disciplinary reasons. If a child misbehaves, it is expected for teachers to punish them, as the child must know they have done something wrong. However, this punishment can often be extreme or negatively damage the child’s morale, as well as their perception of self, and lead to anxiety and other behavioral issues. It
can also lead to declining academic performance. (Arigbo & Adeogun, 2018) However, teachers do have the right to discipline, as it is within the scope of their responsibilities as educators. (An, 2022). They need to consider the implications of punishment and use it more wisely, however. In today's world where laws have become stronger and stricter, and concepts like democracy, equality, and individual rights have become more protected, children seek to ensure their safety in educational environments. While this is a good thing, it can sometimes lead to confusion, especially when confronted with the lack of proper guidelines, laws, and reforms that exist when dealing with punishment. (An, 2022).
The Impact of Punishment
Punishment can either have positive, or negative impacts, depending on the intensity, reason and nature of it. It is important to note that while punishment is often justified, the methods may be too harsh or too attacking. Sometimes, punishment can also be given for the wrong reasons, and accountability can be lacking from the teachers or the administration for the same. Regardless,
punishment often has a strong impact on students. 58.33% of students say that punishment has been administered to them at the wrong time(Arigbo & Adeogun, 2018). The same study also revealed a correlation rate of 0.01 between the
administration of punishment and a decline in the academic performance of students. Punishment often has to do with the power dynamics between the teacher and student, which can also be a factor. Some believe that punishment can also have a psychological impact on students. (Muthoga, 1997)
Some go as far as to say that punishment can create fear in the mind of the student, which can increase absenteeism. As a result, children are likely to feel socially excluded, become outcasts, and face an academic decline. Similarly, corporal punishment can lead to injuries, and cause similar effects. (Hogan & Pressley, 1997).
It is argued that punishment can be useful if it fits the crime and if students perceive the punishment to be fair. (Cotton, 2000) However, it has been found that small children often believe all punishment to be unfair, while older children have a better idea of what punishment was well deserved and what was not. (Evertson et al, 2003) Not only do the more impressionable young children start detesting punishment, but they might also carry forward this idea when they are older.
Even if they do not, the problem of harsh punishment based on humiliation and physical exertion also exists, which can further lead to negative emotions. If a student has been suspended or expelled, they can also be admitted to another school, which can dull the effects that punishment aims to create. It
has also been observed that sometimes, teachers are powerless and unable to administer punishment, allowing students to bypass their authority and indulge in interdisciplinary behavior. (Koereng, 2004)
It has also been discovered that if it is mutually agreed upon by the administration,
teachers, students, and parents who believe that punishment will be fair, consistent, and firm, it can improve student performance and motivate them to be better in the academic and disciplinary sense. (Cotton,2000) He also said that punishment can help control student behavior, and even become a motivator. Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning can also be utilized here. When the rat pressed the lever, it
got more food or electric shots. As a result, it learns to associate certain reinforcement with certain behaviours. The same strategy can be utilized for children. For a correct answer, they can receive an extra point or a chocolate, which can motivate them to work towards giving the correct answer again
and again. They might study more at home, or do their homework because a certain reward has been attached to it. If a child is misbehaving, their reward can be taken away, which can compel them to stop.
Literature on the Same
A study by Henningham and Fracis (2018) aimed to understand the correlation
between harsh use of punishment by parents in the younger years and behavioural and conduct problems. They found poorer communication skills and social skills, attention problems while writing tests, along poor conduct in classroom settings. The study spanned multiple years and was able to
adjust for gender, socio-economic condition and age. The study concluded with the remark that there was a need to train parents in anger management techniques along with non-violent disciplinary methods.
Ahmed and Rashid (2023) researched the alternatives to corporal
punishment. They observed that while it was outlawed and certain measures existed to counteract it, local schools in Pakistan were still practising the method. They emphasised the importance of providing alternative methods to teachers to limit the use of corporal punishment. These included
positive reinforcement in the form of giving rewards to motivate students, involving them in decision-making, introducing activities and emphasising conversation with parents and instruction in schools. The study maintained that these alternative methods created a more respectful, inclusive space with a better learning environment. Overall these strategies were found to be better for discipline.
Bell (2021) in his book explores how students of colour are impacted by suspensions and expulsions, and how they are more vulnerable to the ill effects of the same. He talks about the bullying and victimisation they face, and how school rules often fail to protect them and ensure their safety. As a result, they may adopt violent approaches for their own safety, leading to suspensions,
which impacts their education, their social life and how they are perceived by classmates. It also impacts parent-child relationships, as parents are forced to attend mandatory workshops and meet the head teacher due to their child’s behaviour. He calls for an increase in regulations and safety reforms to protect children of colour, especially black students from the same.
Key Points Summarised
Harms include- Damage to a child’s self-esteem
A decline in perception of self, leading to anxiety and other behavioural issues
Decline in academic performance
This can lead to fear and other psychological issues, increasing absenteeism
Social exclusion and the creation of outcasts
Corporal punishment particularly can lead to injuries
Poor communication and social skills
Trouble paying attention
Disruptive behaviour in class
Benefits- Punishment perceived as fair by students and administration can boost academic and disciplinary performance
Can help control student behaviour
Become a motivator
Promising rewards for good behaviour can be a good strategy
Alternative methods of punishment can help create a better learning environment
Other important points- punishment is disproportionately given, with black students making up for 15% of the student body and receiving 31% of suspensions in the USA
Teachers have an increased responsibility to students.
Gupta, T., Shah, J.K. (2024). Teacher As Shape Sifter: Role of Teachers in Resolving Identity Crisis.
The International Journal of Indian Psychology, Volume 12 (Issue 1). Retrieved from DOI:
Arigbo, P., Adeogun, T.J. (2018) Effect of Punishment on Students Academic Performance: An
Empirical Study of Secondary School Students in Ikwuano. Retrieved from
An, Z. (2022) The Influence of Teacher Discipline on Teaching Effect and Students’ Psychology in
Universities and the Normative Suggestions for Discipline Behavior. Retrieved from
Cotton, F. (2000). Student discipline and motivation: Research synthesis Portland: Northwest
regional educational laboratory.
Hogan, K., & Pressley, M. (1997). Scaf olding student learning: Instructional approaches and issues.
Cambridge: Brookline Books.
Koereng, E. (2004). Research blames corporal punishments for school dropouts.
Mmegi Newsletter, 12
Evertson, M.C., et al. (1983). Improving Classroom Management: An Experiment in Elementary
School Classrooms. The Elementary School Journal 84(2) DOI:10.1086/461354
Baker-Henningham, H., & Francis, T. (2018). Parents' use of harsh punishment and young children's
behaviour and achievement: a longitudinal study of Jamaican children with conduct problems. Global
mental health (Cambridge, England), 5, e32.
Ahmed, D., Rashid, S. (2023). Alternative Strategies to Corporal Punishment: Teacher's Practices at
Secondary School Level Retrieved from
Bell, C. (2021). Suspended: Punishment, Violence, and the Failure of School Safety
Civil Rights Data Collection for Civil Rights US Department of Education (2017). Retrieved from